You must complete the following challenge before you can upload your lease. The rental agreement is a kind of consumer contract, so it must be written in simple, clear and easy to understand language. It must not contain terms that could be “unfair”. An unfair term is not legally valid and cannot be applied. This means, for example, that the rental agreement cannot: a rental agreement with a fixed final date gives a guarantee of maturity to both the owner and the tenant. There is the exact day of the end of the lease. The advantage is that neither party is obliged to terminate the lease; it simply ends on the date indicated. In a fixed-date rental agreement, the lessor may not increase the rent or change other terms of the rental agreement unless it expressly reserves the right in the contract and the lessee accepts the changes. If the tenant stays beyond the indicated date, the lessor can either accept the rents and continue the lease as a monthly rental agreement with the same rules as the expired lease on a fixed date, or sign a new lease, or initiate eviction proceedings against the tenant. The other terms called “additional terms” are the terms you can choose from your rental agreement. You cover a number of rules and you should read them to check if they apply to your property.
If your landlord dies or changes, the new landlord must abide by the terms of your lease. You must follow the correct procedure if you want to end the rental, see section on evacuation for more information. Offer a secure short lease The security of seniority during the agreed duration of the rental. During this period, a tenant cannot be evicted as long as he does not break any of the conditions of the lease. At the end of the agreed period, the lessor has the right to request the withdrawal if he chooses it. However, the tenant can stay until the court gives the landlord a property mandate. A weekly/monthly/annual lease with automatic renewal (a periodic lease) continues for as long as neither party wishes to terminate the lease. . .